An informative day that has definately helped change my view of clicker training a little, I understand more the difference between a clicker trainer and a clicker user but I am unsure yet which camp I will end up sitting in!
We started the day by settling our dogs in our cars just outside the traininer room and then were given an hours demonstration from Anne Bussey with her ‘Golden Wonder’. After that we individually bought our dog into the room for a turn at one to one with input from the group.
Although it was interesting and I did learn I personally struggle to stand in a room in front of a group of people I haven’t met and try to grasp something brand new, I think this rubbed off on Kodi as he went from a dog excited to see a clicker to looking a bit uncomfortable himself and he didn’t really manage to relax into it.
Having said that it wouldn’t put me off future events as I am a firm believer in trying again and again until the thing that makes me uncomfortable becomes comfortable as I think it is the only way we grow. I also think that once I conquer my own nerves Kodi will follow suit immediately.
Since the course I have used all the beginners ‘tools’ we were taught and I intend to keep doing so. I think the best thing I took from this course was regarding ‘proofing’ a behaviour and the second was that the words ‘offering a behaviour’ came up alot and has made me look at the way I work with Kodi and the clicker in a new light.
I have been working on clicking sit to hand in the air and today branched out to a field and a small distance ….. it failed …. thanks to the course I could see the mistakes I made (for a start doing new field and new distance at the same time!) and have come back a step before I attempt another move forward.
Very interesting clicker training.