

Agility is a fantastic activity for you and your Weimaraner! Great fun and brilliant use of both their body and mind. Agility is a dog sport that can be done for fun or competition, whichever suits you. Agility is a sport in which the owner/handler directs their dog through and over a series of obstacles and jumps in a course that has previously been laid out, the course must be jumped in numerical order and the aim is to complete the course in the fastest time without getting any faults.

Dogs are often run on leash when first starting agility but progression is always to off leash, toys and treats can be used for training but in competition neither of these things are allowed in the ring.

If you think agility might be for you pop along to your local club and check it out or visit a local show, some general dog shows will also hold ‘have a go’ agility events so you can see if you really like it.

Weimaraner Agility League Results Tables – CLICK HERE