What a brilliant day! Sadly I could only spectate on this occassion but stroll on next year and hopefully I will get an entry 🙂
Day started with a surprise, pulled up, parked the car and headed for what I thought was our shooting group, amongst them 2 men in super tall hats and smart old fashioned suits, I was offered something to drink from one of their silver flasks but declined figuring I’d best have my best legs on me for the day. They then produced a couple of great big old fashioned powder muskets and shot them over the hedge, plumes of smoke billowed away and the sound was quite deafening! I wondered if there was any way my dogs would sit to that but thankfully later found out that they were not part of our shoot but part of a historic group on a different shoot.
Our group gathered for a short briefing and off we headed to the beat wagon, a short trip in the wagon saw us arrive at our first field and the first dog set off on its run. Our group consisted of 5 Weimaraners, 1 german shorthaired pointer, 1 Brittany, 1 german wirehaired pointer, 1 hungarian viszla and 1 HWV, we were also supposed to have a large munsterlander but they were unfortunately absent.
The day consisted of each dog have its chance at a HPR. Judges were Mr Fred Alcock and Mrs Irmgard Alcock. Dogs were worked on small woodland, open fields, sugar beet and hedge rows and finally at the end of the day those that had been successful at a HPR in the field were taken to water where all those given the chance were successful and awarded their SGWC!
Gill at the start of the day with one of her soon to be Dual Champions!
Those awarded their SGWC were:
SH CH Sireva Vista
Bareve Bonzabaai
SH CH Sireva Firenza
Quadet Dargo at Rockleyan
Herlinga Herleva
Hundwith Toggle