NEWS Breed Specific Seminar (Leeds) – including Judging Competency Assessment – PASSED

This was a great day and I would like to thank the North of England Weimaraner Asssociation (NEWS) wholeheartedly for organising the day so well.

In the morning there was an informative seminar talk given by Patsy Hollings, this outlined type, conformation and the breed standard for Weimaraners.

There was a short break for a lovely lunch which was nice and gave some down time and chat time before the assessment straight after lunch.

The assessment consisted of a line up for dogs and bitches that we were required to assess visually and hands on. During assessment we took notes to enable the writting of critiques afterwards and we were also required to then place the dogs in the order of merit i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc and justify those placements by way of the critique.

After completing the paperwork it was handed in (all paperwork was annoymous as candidates are given a number that only the organiser knows) and passed to the panel for assessment. The panel for my day consisted of Patsy Hollings, Jacqui Ward, Gil Simpson and Claire Rodgers.

Since I was in the 1pm group slot and had a long journey home I didnt stay for the last coffee and seminar closing but had a thoroughly enjoyable day and was quite surprised at just how much I enjoyed having the opportunity to go over and place the dogs.

PASSED and ecstatic to learn I placed the dogs in the exact order that the judges did on the day!