Jenny Lunn Training Day

I was lucky enough to get a day on a Jenny Lunn training day as someone had to drop out that week. I’ve been to her days before and I always find the A) enjoyable and B) informative and so jumped at the chance to attend!

I decided to take Rosa along as due to my broken foot shes missed out on a massively important section of socialisation and also I haven’t had a chance ever to work her within a group. Having not been in a flat collar and lead for over 4mths thanks to my broken foot it was an adventure spending the day on one and quite a bit of time will be dedicated to teaching her nice leash walking again now haha but we loved the day never the less.

She was understandably nervous as for the most part dogs are worked together and having not socialised it was actually quite a big ask but she rose to the occasion (no pun intended) and I was actually over the moon with the strength and focus of her tugging, she much preferred that reward to food rewards on the day. I was surprised, but not totally, that at the end of a 10am to 6pm day she wasn’t tired and could have carried on for many more hours lol

She did scent really well and retrieved the dumbell to me each time which I had not expected, I thought she would play up rather than bring it back so that was a nice surprise. We did recall work, work on changing her expectations and mixing things up, which hand exercise, jump up work, small exercise such as walking up to then jogging up to a line of dogs. She really enjoyed her day, I was most pleased with her quick rate of recovery if something did upset or surprise her etc.

Hoping we get to do more in future along side our lovely and regular Jo Hill sessions 🙂