The 2014 Roundup

2014 had firm plans that I hoped would work out for everyone, this entailed attempting to have a much quieter year than the last few busy ones and so also saw a much quieter blog.

Despite my achieving a quieter year it was a productive one with more firsts for both dogs.

The beginning of the year saw both dogs successfully attending shoots and shotover days, wonderful new experiences for both dogs. They also attended their first Schweisshund tracking day and both suitably impressed the trainers, completing their tracks efficiently and Kodi even managing to report bark his find! Kodi won out of UKA beginners performance and into novice and now only needs 1 more clear round to move from novice steeplechase to senior steeplechase. Rhea attended her first KC agility shows and gained her first clear round, she also gained a UKA 2nd place at agility. Both dogs did their first public trick display under the ‘Do More With Your Dog’ scheme.

Both dogs have proven they can hold their own in the ring and since we much prefer to be busy enriching our lives and those of the dogs and there are only so many days in the week, we planned to have less involvement in showing once again through 2014 and we acheived this.

Championship show wise, Rhea attended Crufts and Bath (where she gained a VHC placing and achieved her Good Citizen Bronze Award) but for us that was it show wise therefore neither dog will attend Crufts 2015 however we already knew we would be unlikely to attend due to the timing of our new puppy! We also attended and were well placed at the odd open show.

Stay up to date via the blog……

List of all the shows attended up to the close of 2014 (including all results) and any other awards gained:

Kodi – UK

Kodi finished 9th Place overall in Grade 1 of the Gundog Agility League
September through to end of year
Downtime owing to our foundation litter
Parlour Cafe Dog Day – All Stars Trick Display Team

Keston Agility Club KC Show – CLEAR Large ABC Jumping Grades 1-4 Combined
Kodi wins out of UKA Beginners and into the Novice Performance grade
Cambridgeshire Canines – 1st Place Beginners Jumping, 3rd Place Beginners Power & Speed, 4th Place Agility
FAB – 2nd Place Large Newbie Jumping, 3rd Place Large Newbie Agility
K9 Sports (UKA) – 2nd Place Steeplechase I
K9 Sports (UKA) – 2nd Place Steeplechase II
Schweisshund tracking day – Successfully completed first track

Shot over day
Rough Shooting

Rhea – UK
September through to end of year
Downtime due to our foundation litter
Parlour Cafe Dog Day – All Stars Trick Dog Display Team
Kingston Canine Society Open Show – 2nd Place Post Graduate Dog/Bitch
Achieved her Good Citizen Bronze Award at Bath Championship Show
Bath CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW – VHC Post Graduate Bitch
Gravesend & Medway Open Show – 2nd Place Post Graduate Dog/Bitch
FAB – CLEAR Large Newbie Jumping
East Anglian Gundog Society Open Show – 1st Place Longhaired Dog/Bitch

Achieved her Kyra Sundance Advanced Trick Dog title (ATD)
CRUFTS 2014 – Post Graduate Bitch (Unplaced)
East Anglian Winter Series (UKA) – 2nd Place Snooker
weisshund tracking day – Successfully completed first track

Shot over day
Rough Shooting