Rhea’s second obedience session

Rhea’s second session went really well. We let Rhea go first this time and so Kodi had to wait, as he normally has these sessions to himself I dont think he was that impressed!

Gabriella handled Rhea and did a grand job of it, they worked on ‘close’ which Rhea already has down to a T and heel work following the treat, they did sits and stands and worked on laying the ground work for nice presents. Everything they did was a marked improvement on the week before, including Rhea’s concentration levels, job well done.

Kodi went next and he really upped the anti! So chuffed with how he is coming on at last, holds improving on the move but still more work required. Heel work was really nice, just need to get that bum tucked in now and scent work was nice again although not as nice as last week but he wasnt as focused this week either. Overall a job well done though as lots of improvements could be seen and he smiled through the whole thing as always!